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       建筑結(jié)構(gòu)檢測 inspection of building strcture
   檢測批 inspection lot
   抽樣檢測 sampling inspection
   測區(qū) testing zone
   測點 testing point
   非破損檢測方法 method of non-destructive test
   局部破損檢測方法 method of past-destructive test
   回彈法 rebound method
   超聲回彈綜合法 ultrasonic-rebound combined method
   鉆芯法 drilled core method
   超聲法 ultrasonic method
   后裝撥出法 post-install pull-out method
   貫入法 penetuation method
   原位軸壓法 the method of axial compression in situ on brick wall
   扁式液壓頂法 the method of flat jack
   原位單剪法 the method of single shear
   雙剪法 the method of double shear
   砂漿片剪切法 the method of mortar flake
   推出法 the method of push out
   點荷法 the method of point load
   簡壓法 the method of column
   射釘法 the method of powder actuated shot
   超聲波探傷 ultrasonic inspection
   射線探傷 radiographic inspection
   磁粉探傷 magnetic partied inspection
   滲透探傷 penetrant inspection
   標高 normal height
   軸線位移 displacement of axies
   垂直度 degree of gravity vertical
   平整度 degree of plainness
   尺寸偏差 dimensional errors
   撓度 deflection
   變形 deformation
   蜂窩 honey comb
   麻面 pockmark
   孔洞 cavitation
   露筋 reval of reinforcement
   龜裂 map cracking
   裂縫 crack
   疏松 loose
   混凝土夾渣 concrete slag inclusion
   焊縫缺陷 weld defects

聯(lián)系人:王先生 手機:13412664147
電話:0769-23290612 傳真:0769-23290613
地址:東莞市南城區(qū)元美中心A2313室 郵編:523000
在線QQ:2931712374 郵箱:2931712374@qq.com 網(wǎng)址:http://www.bestechina.com
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